The national Palestine Solidarity Campaign is an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from many communities across Britain, and increasingly throughout the world.
PSC works for peace and justice for the Palestinian people. PSC is opposed to all forms of racism, including anti-Jewish prejudice.
PSC works with students, faith groups, trade unions and many other campaigning, cultural and political organisations in Britain, Europe and worldwide.
There is an executive committee of 20 members (plus two members representing the PSC’s Trade Union Advisory Committee), who are elected at the AGM by PSC members.
The Annual General Meeting, held at least every fifteen months, is open to all members and acts as the PSC policy-making body. At the AGM, the decisions of the executive committee are ratified and a plan for the following year is presented, as is a report on the previous year.
The head office is in central London. There are four members of staff, and PSC depends on volunteers to manage specific campaigns, run branches, conduct media work, produce publications and help with administration and merchandise sales.